If you notice profanity, rude or offensive language, you may report this to us by using the "report flag button", which is located in the bottom left corner on every message on the public chat.
Also you may send us a screenshot of such chat messages.
Our team will investigate the case and will take appropriate measures.
Uploading and sharing explicit content is also prohibited. You can contact us and report the user, who have uploaded such content, providing his/hers username, and brief description of the case. We will investigate and delete the content in question. The user will be banned from the game and his/hers account will be terminated.
Also you may send us a screenshot of such chat messages.
Our team will investigate the case and will take appropriate measures.
Uploading and sharing explicit content is also prohibited. You can contact us and report the user, who have uploaded such content, providing his/hers username, and brief description of the case. We will investigate and delete the content in question. The user will be banned from the game and his/hers account will be terminated.