Community Questions
Someone is cursing and is posting explicit content!
If you notice profanity, rude or offensive language, you may report this to us by using the "report flag button", which is located in the bo...
I think someone is violating Terms and Conditions. What should I do?
We are taking any breaches of our Terms of Service and code of conduct very seriously.We will do our best to investigate such cases and take...
Report a player: How can I report a player?
If you want to report a player you can do it by opening his profile. Then you must hit the report flag. A new window will open where you ...
Why am I muted?
We do not impose sanctions without a reason. Any penalty in the game is due to a violation of our rules. We ask for your understanding in o...
Why my access to the platform is blocked?
We do not impose sanctions without a reason. Any penalty in the game is due to a violation of our rules. We ask for your understanding in o...
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