General Questions
How to block someone in the game?
To block another player, follow these steps:1. Open other player's profile.2. Select the red button with a block symbol.3. Then you will see...
How do I unblock someone I have already blocked?
To remove a player from your list of blocked users, go to your profile.Click on the red button with the blocking symbol.Remove the person by...
How do I get chips?
You can get chips on Belot.bg in several different ways.Buy chips from our in-game storePlay and win a game of Belote.Enjoy the many daily b...
How do I give chips / VIP / diamonds to a friend?
To offer chips, a VIP membership or diamonds to another player,Go to their profile by clicking on their profile picture.Click on the "D...
Why can't I block more people?
You can block up to certain number of players. If you want to block more players, you can trade some gems for additional block places(slots)...
How to redeem Promo Code?
To use your Promo Code, you must follow these steps:Enter the platform store and scroll to the right to the "Promo Codes" section. &nb...
Where I can read the belot rules?
In Belot.BG we use standard tournament rules, that are described in detail:on our website: https://belot.bg/rules.en.htmlwithin the platform...
What are the leaderboards based on?
In BelotBG there are 5 kinds of leaderboards- "The Best" leaderboard is specific for each game. To see that leaderboard of the game you want...
My block list has no more places.
You can block up to certain number of players - 100. If you want to block more players, you can trade some gems to get additional block plac...
Does blocking a player applies to the Play with friends room?
If you have blocked someone and he/she creates a game in the Play with friends room, you will be able to see that game and to join it. Howev...
What kinds of chats do you have in BelotBG?
Global chat - this is the place where all BelotBG users who have VIP status can hold discussions.Our team checks the global chat regularly f...
Can I use my chips, gems and VIP status in all games?
Your balance is general for the platform and you can use your chips, gems and VIP in all games (belote, santase, blato and backgammon).
What are the gifts for?
If you want to send a gift to another player, keep in mind that the animated gifts have only visual value. They do not add up to the player'...
Which users show up on the list with online users at the bottom part of the lobby?
The users that appear on this list meet the following criteria: they have VIP status, profile photo, online, and 5th level.When you click on...
What type of rooms does each game offer?
In the Belot lobby you will find rooms for:Beginners;Advanced / requires level 10 /;Professionals / requires level 20 /;Masters / requires l...
Where can I find my notifications?
You can see your notifications in the drop-down window, which opens when you click on the bell at the top-right corner of the platform. When...
What can I use the gems for?
There are two in-game currencies - chips and gems.You can use the gems to get customization items from the in-game store.You can access the ...
Why do I hear music? Can I turn it off?
With the new version of BelotBG, we have added background music. You can hear it only while you are on the platform. When you enter a game i...
Why can't I see the rooms created after I enter the VIP room?
Once you enter the Play with friends room you will see all of the rooms that have been created up until that moment. New games won’t load au...
What is the XP Booster used for?
With its help, you can increase the experience you gain while playing games! This means that now you can level up much faster!The XP Booster...
Why am I no longer a VIP?
Each newly registered user in BelotBG receives one week of free VIP status. The VIP status has a period in which it can be used. Each VIP ...
Why can't I use all phrases during the game?
There are two types of phrases that can be used during a game. - Phrases that all users can use - Phrases available only to VIP users. If...
How do I know if my app has been updated to the latest version?
To find out if the BelotBG app you're using works with the latest version available:1. Open the Google Play / App Store.2. Type BelotBG in ...
Why can't I write in global chat topics?
There are four cases in which you cannot write in the global chat:1. You don't have a VIP.Only users with VIP status can write in the global...
What is a moderator and what rights does he have?
A moderator is any user who has created a topic in the general chat. He has the following rights:- Can delete the messages of the participan...
How do I kick a user off my topic?
This can be done from the" Block "button, which is visible under each message in the global chat. This button is visible only by t...
How can I upload a photo in the chat?
You can send a photo in a chat by pressing the button as shown:This will give you the option to choose from the photos you have on your comp...
How do I send a voice message in the chat?
Select the button, as shown on the picture, to record a voice message. A new button will pop up, from which you can actually start recording...
Daily missions: The new daily missions give you the opportunity to earn extra chips
There are 3 daily missions and they are visible next to your avatar in the upper left corner of the screen. They are valid for 24 hours only...
Like topics in the global chat
All users who have access to the global chat will be able to like the topics there. This only applies to the visible first post in the topic...
Voice messages: sending voice messages during the games.
You will now be able to send voice messages during the games. This option will be available only for the mobile application of the game and...
New timer for the XP booster: Wе have added a timer to XP booster
A timer has been added to the XP booster, which shows the remaining time until the end of the booster. This timer is visible in the profile ...
Where is the in-game store and what can I buy from there?
You can find the in-game store in the upper right corner of the screen in the lobby by clicking on the yellow plus you see there. In the var...
How to remove the ads from the game?
The ads you see help us bring you more free content. We have also provided the ability to remove ads while having active VIP status. You can...
How to download the game if I don't have Google Play or the App Store on my device?
If the device you're playing from doesn't have Google Play or the App Store, follow these steps:1.Еnter https://belot.bg/ via the browser yo...
How to find the news in Belot.BG, as well as the latest articles in the game's blog?
Go to the main menu of the game and click on Blog. You will see all the news, as well as articles in our blog, which will introduce you to t...
How can I pin a conversation at the top of the private chat?
To mark that a conversation with a certain user is important to you and you want to pin it at the top, click the three dots that appear unde...
How can I mute a user in the private chat?
If you do not want to block a user, but you do not want to read the private messages they send you, you can use the option to mute their pri...
How do I send a premium gift?
Open the profile of the player to whom you want to send a gift and press the purple button with a painted gift. You will see all the gifts y...
Which users show up on the list with online users at the bottom part of the lobby?
The users that appear on this list meet the following criteria: they have VIP status, profile photo, they are online, and they have reached ...
What is the piggy bank?
FOR each entry fee you enter the game with, we ADD ADDITIONAL CHIPS, which we put into your piggy bank. When the piggy bank is full, you can...
What happens if I quit the game?
If you quit a game voluntarily, you lose points from your rating for the leaderboard as well as the entry fee for the game itself.
Why do I lose points after leaving a game?
In order to be as fair as possible for everyone, when voluntarily leaving a game, points are deducted from the player's personal rating for ...
What is Web Chat?
WebChat is a new, more convenient way to get answers to all your inquiries. It features an intelligent bot that automatically provides answe...
How to play slots?
Test your luck in slot games! You can do this during gameplay from the button in the upper right corner of the game or by opening the option...
How do Weekly Missions work?
Weekly Missions are challenges you can complete within 7 days to earn an additional bonus! They work on the same principle as Daily Missions...
Where can I find Weekly Missions?
You can find Weekly Missions by clicking the calendar button at the top left of the platform’s homepage. You’ll first see Daily Missions, an...
During what period are Weekly Missions active?
All Weekly Missions are active from Monday to Sunday of the current week. They are refreshed on Monday at the start of the new week. If you ...
When do I receive a reward from a Weekly Mission?
You receive the reward for a successfully completed Weekly Mission as soon as it is finished. IMPORTANT! Don’t forget to click the "claim" b...
If I finish a Weekly Mission early, will I get a new one?
You have a set number of Weekly Missions. If you complete your Weekly Mission early, a new mission will not appear in its place. Weekly Miss...
What types of advertisements are there in the game?
In the game, you can encounter several types of advertisements. They are divided into the following categories:Interstitial Ads - These are ...
NEW Design! What's new at Belot.BG?
Belot.BG now has a new design and placement of buttons in the game. All features in the platform are much easier to access and dressed in a ...