Login Questions
I forgot my password! How do I recover it?
If you have forgotten your password or cannot log into the game, don’t worry! There are 3 ways to log into Belot.BgFACEBOOK: If your ac...
How do I log in as a guest?
iOS & Android Solution:Step1: Navigate to RegistrationStep2: Continue the game as a guestStep3: if the game directs you to your old acco...
Why should I register with the site?
Registration allows access to full functionality of the site and the game. You will receive chip bonuses, access to more features, the abili...
I entered as a guest on my mobile device, but now my account is missing.
Once you enter as guest player in Belot.BG the account that is created is connected to the ID of your mobile device. If this ID number is ch...
Can I reset my password if I play through a phone?
If you play BelotBG through our mobile app, there are a few ways in which you might have created your account. If you have signed up with an...
I installed the app on my phone, can I login with my Facebook profile that I use to play?
Open the BelotBG app and click on the "Facebook LogIn" button that you will see on the Home screen. This way, you will sign in to ...
Can I play both on computer and on phone?
Belot.BG is multi-platform game that you can play online - through a web browser (Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, etc.) and a mobile ...
Add new login method: How to add a login method to my account?
To add a new login method, open your profile and click on the yellow synchronisation button that you see on the bottom of the window.Then fo...
I can't log in after updating the game! Why?
By logging into the site after updating the game to its latest version, you may find that you have logged in as a guest or that you have ac...