To use your Promo Code, you must follow these steps:
- Enter the platform store and scroll to the right to the "Promo Codes" section.
- Enter your Promo Code and click on the "Redeem" button to receive your promotion.
- Keep in mind that after you click "Redeem", the promo code will be linked to your account and you will not be able to provide it to other players. Even if you do not complete the process of redeeming the promo code immediately after entering it, it remains valid and you can use it later.
- Keep in mind that only free promo codes can be used in the Belot.BG application! If you enter a discount code in the mobile application, the system will not accept it. In order to use it, you must enter the web version of Belot.BG through a web browser and there enter your promo code with a discount.
- Redeeming a promo code can only be done if you are playing via a web browser or in our mobile app. This is not currently possible in our Facebook app.