When you encounter a problem with a purchase, please make sure to follow these steps:
- Try to disconnect from the game by using the "Logout" button in the main menu or by simply closing the application.
- If the solution above does not work, please try to restart the device you use to play Domino Duel (Phone, Tablet)
- By following one of the solutions above and by reconnecting to Domino Duel, a message informing you that you have an unfinished transaction should appear. You just have to click on "Complete" to finalize your transaction.
- If the above solutions still do not work, check your email. You will find an invoice from the operator of the payment system you have used. (Apple App Store / Google Play)
- Send your invoice to support@domino-duel.com by mentioning the purchase you have made, the payment method and your in-game username. If you have not received an invoice on your email it means that you have not been charged.