How to play Rummy
PLAYERSIn rummy all players play for themselves, there are no teams.TURN ACTIONS1. DrawingA turn in Rummy starts with you drawin...
How to play Scopa
PLAYERS AND CARDSScopa is played with Italian card deck with 40 cards. Each card has a capture value. The number cards are worth...
How to play Chinchon
PLAYERS AND CARDSChinchón is played with the typical Spanish card deck with 40 cards. The King, Cavalry, and Jack cards are worth 10 p...
How to play Tute
PLAYERS AND CARDSTute is an interesting and popular Spanish card game that you can play in VIP Games. We will explain to you how...
How to play Escoba
PLAYERS AND CARDSIn VIP Gaems Escoba is played with spanish deck of 40 cards, which contains the following suits:In Escoba it is...
How to play Brisca
PLAYERS AND CARDSBrisca is a Spanish card game from the Tute family and similar to Briscola played in Italy.In VIP games in use is the...
How to play Sergeant Major (3-5-8)
PLAYERS AND CARDSSergeant Major is a game for 3 players using the classic French deck with 52 cards and also is known as 3-5-8 or 8-5-...
How to play Tressette
PLAYERS AND CARDSThe game is played by 4 players using the following cards:Italian deck with 40 cards in it, with cards grouped in fou...
How to play Briscola
PLAYERS AND CARDSThe game is played by 4 players using the following cards:Italian deck with 40 cards in it, grouped in four sui...
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