Community Questions
Someone is cursing/posting explicit content! What can I do?
If you notice profanity or rude/offensive language, you may report this to us by using the "report flag button", which is located in the bot...
I think someone is violating the Terms and Conditions. What should I do?
We take any breaches of our Terms of Service and code of conduct very seriously.We will do our best to investigate any possible cases and ta...
Report a player: How can I report a player?
Hit the report flag in the player's profile. A new window will open where you can choose from a drop-down menu the reason for which you a...
Why am I muted?
We do not impose sanctions without a reason. Any penalty in the game is due to a violation of our rules. We ask for your understanding in or...
Game Penalties
Account PenaltiesMultiaccounting is forbidden and if we find that a player has more than one account, we will permanently ban all but the hi...
Why my access to the platform is blocked?
We do not impose sanctions without a reason. Any penalty in the game is due to a violation of our rules. We ask for your understanding in or...
Inappropriate private messages: How do we handle private messages?
The global chat is closely monitored by our team. We actively search for players who violate our terms and conditions and if it is necessary...
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